AHRC-DCMS Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Research

In 2020 the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) launched a funding partnership to support research on how developing countries could respond more effectively to the challenges for cultural heritage resulting from natural disasters and climate change. Funded as part of UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) and working collaboratively with community partners around the world, nine projects have produced research that was broad in discipline, geography and methodology, exploring the realities of living with, as well as adapting to, change, damage and loss as a result of disasters and the climate crisis.

“Everything we need from the forest to survive, they are destroying … We continue to take care of our lands; we continue to perform rituals to communicate with the spirits who own the forest, who own the river … so that they stay happy. All this destruction is making them very angry, which ends up causing harm to our people.”

Piratá Wauja from the Xingu Indigenous Territories (Brazil)

Research Projects

This research examined, quantitatively mapped and promoted the cultural and economic resilience of Damietta, which is under threat from climate change and contemporary political decision…


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This research centred on training heritage professionals in Nigeria and Tanzania through piloting a new, prototype heritage management methodology known as the Climate Vulnerability Index, which provides…


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This community-based collaborative research project assessed the cultural and environmental impacts of mining in Brazil’s Quadrilátero Ferrifero (Iron Quadrangle), the site of Brazil’s largest iron ore reserves….


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