Research Projects
From Sri Lanka, to Zimbabwe, to Brazil, the research projects ranged in scope, focusing on disaster prevention and resilience, preparedness and emergency response. Although the devastating loss and damage caused by climate change is long lasting and irreversible, building resilience and finding ways to adapt and rapidly recover from extreme climate events is essential.
Together the research findings demonstrate the diverse ways in which cultural heritage – both tangible and intangible – connects sites, rituals, customs, communities and buildings with the natural environment, and can support us building societies which sustain people, places and environments.
This research examined, quantitatively mapped and promoted the cultural and economic resilience of Damietta, which is under threat from climate change and contemporary political decision-making insensitive…
This research centred on training heritage professionals in Nigeria and Tanzania through piloting a new, prototype heritage management methodology known as the Climate Vulnerability Index, which provides…
This community-based collaborative research project assessed the cultural and environmental impacts of mining in Brazil’s Quadrilátero Ferrifero (Iron Quadrangle), the site of Brazil’s largest iron ore reserves….
This research involved susceptibility mapping of cultural heritage to climate change-driven hazards, with a particular focus on the flood and landslide hazards on Istanbul’s world….
This research provided approaches for including intangible cultural heritage within the framework of disaster risk management, which was being used in recovering and India…
This programme worked with communities from South Africa, Indonesia and Sri Lanka to develop methods for inclusive risk assessment and research-based capacity development…
This programme built future resilience through developing local capacity in seismic-prone heritage areas of India, offering a digital platform to enable the design of mitigation and reconstruction…
This programme mapped and updated information about traditional systems on the Soqotra Archipelago, assessing how much traditional knowledge has already been lost, which climate…
This programme used visual storytelling as a method of narrating the ‘great glacial melt’ to engage the public and policy-makers in the realities of, and to instigate action on, climate change within Pakistan and…