Applicability and scalability of a sustainable re-construction framework for seismic-prone heritage areas of Gujarat, India

This programme built future resilience through developing local capacity in seismic-prone heritage areas of India, offering a digital platform to enable the design of mitigation and reconstruction plans and damage and technical assessments, in a way which focused on the re-use and repair of housing and the virtual preservation of culture. The project culminated by developing a disaster risk management plan and designing post-earthquake actions with local authorities

Project Partners

Aditya Singh & Mahavir Acharya from the Hunnarshala Foundation Shubham
Daberao from the Gujarat Institute of Disaster Management (GIDM).

Project Team

Dr Bernadette Devilat (PI) and Dr Felipe Lanuza (Co-I) from the University of Nottingham; Prof Gamal Abdelmonem (Co-I) from the Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Global Heritage Nottingham Trent University; Dr Jigna Desai (Co-I), Mrudula Mane and Nigar Shaikh (Research Associates) and Saatvika Pancholi (Research Assistant) from the Center for Heritage Conservation CEPT Research and Development Foundation (CHC CRDF).