Conservation of climate change endangered cultural furniture industry heritage in Damietta, Egypt
This research examined, quantitatively mapped and promoted the cultural and economic resilience of Damietta’s local furniture-making craft. This grassroots local crafts network is under threat of climate change and contemporary political decision-making insensitive to its socio-cultural heritage. The research documented and highlighted indigenous knowledge and the tangible cultural heritage of this craft industry and its social networks, building partnerships for knowledge exchange and policy impact in Egypt and the UK.

Project Partners
University of Salford [UK]
University of Lancaster [UK]
Centre for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE) [Egypt]
Chamber of Woodworking and Furniture Industry – Damietta [Egypt]
UK Crafts Council [UK]
UNESCO Egypt Office [Egypt]
Damietta Local Authority (Governor’s Office) [Egypt]
Project Team
Prof Hisham Elkadi, Dr Nourhan Heysham, Prof Stuart Walker, Dr Ahmed Abdelrehim, Mr Yusuf Younis, Prof Martyn Evans and Mr Amr Orensa (Board Member of Egyptian Furniture Export Council, and CEO of Pinocchio furniture, Egypt)