CRITICAL - Heritage as a tool for adaptation: climate change resilience through hybrid Indigenous knowledge systems

This programme worked with communities from South Africa, Indonesia and Sri Lanka to develop methods for inclusive risk assessment and research-based capacity development. The project worked in partnership with low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) researchers, heritage/cultural organisations and local policy-makers, and the follow-on phase supported communities in better understanding food heritage and preservation, not as a vulnerable or static asset to be preserved but as a tool for adaptive capacity in the face of climate change.

Photo credit: Dr Dulma Karunarthna

Project Partners

School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh [UK] 
Faculty of Humanities, University of Pretoria [South Africa] 
Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria, Vitoria, BC [Canada]
Centre of Excellence in Technological Innovation for Disaster Mitigation (GAMA InaTEK), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta [Indonesia]

Project Team

Kate Crowley, Marisa Wilson, Rowan Jackson, Siona O’Connell, Dulma Karunarthna, Esti Anantasari, Arry Retnowati, Dominique Niemand, Younghwa Cha, Ashrika Sharma, and Aythya Young.